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Final Reflection Blog

PART ONE: Transformative Learning

One of the most transformative learning experiences that I have for this class is the way I look at advertisements. Watching Killing Us Softly was a mind-blowing moment for me, I began to pay attention to not only the advertisements, but also the celebrity posts, and all other messages that we see every day. Now I can think behind what we see and figure out the messages (including gender perceptions) and the pictures are conveying. The transformative is that now I learn to critically evaluate the messages, and I will not value how others think of me as much as I did, because I learned that it was the people who put definitions on everything.

(This is a screenshot of our group's microsite, please click the picture with the line and go check it out!)

The most transformative moment that I can remember when looking at this class is the process of making the podcast project. Not only that making a podcast on our own is an interesting experience, but it’s also a challenging task. The collaboration and the contribution from our group members made this memory a memorable experience, I appreciate their hard work. I felt like we were a little family when the podcast and microsite were produced successfully.

(This is the podcast page, I am so proud of what we have accomplished!)

PART TWO: Problems & A Plan for the Future

The biggest problem that I still have today is related to grammar! The adaptive practice on Connect is such a helpful tool for finding the weaknesses. However, I feel like I did not have enough time to recharge the practice sessions since I had a lot of work to do. Hope the purchased access can last longer so that I can have time to practice grammar and punctuation after the finals! I want to collect all my grammar mistakes and categorize them in the future as well.

Another problem is about timing. Although I believe I tried my best on every single assignment this quarter, sometimes I feel like I was just rushing through. Just like the Connect grammar practices I mentioned above, I did not have enough time to practice and recharge it although they were so helpful. In the future, I think I need to manage my workload by dedicating more time to my weaknesses and put them as my priority.

This quarter has been a memorable writing journey for me. I want to thank Dr. Haas, my sweet group members, and all other peers in this class, thank you all for your valuable comments and hard work!

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Mar 15, 2021

Hi, Zoe. Time flies! I still remembered that we talked about the methods to success in this course and I believe we both make it at the end of this course! We all have problems of English grammar and I do agree with your point that The adaptive practice on Connect is actually a helpful tool to help us improve the ability of grammar. It is time to say goodbye. May all go well.


Pan Zhang
Pan Zhang
Mar 15, 2021

Hi! The collective production of podcasts in this course is indeed a very unforgettable experience. I really learned a lot during the production of this podcast. At the same time, thank you for your arranging and leadership skills during the podcast production process. Organize each meeting.


Peihao Hu
Peihao Hu
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Zoe, I have a quite same question as you mentioned. I found I need to improve my grammar and word skills as soon as possible. To find the problem we have is so essential to improve ourselves. Hope you have a good grade on this course.


Ruihan Wang
Ruihan Wang
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Zoe!

I am delighted that you remember that I left comments for you because your website is stunning. Every time I click on your website and browse it for a while without any hesitation. Moreover, I very much agree with what you said that this lesson had changed your views on advertising, and in the same way, it has also changed me. Before I saw the advertisement, I skipped it directly because I don't want to waste time on an item that I would not buy, but I believe that after this class is over, I will stop and watch the advertisement for a while and think about the deep meaning behind it. Especially ads related to women. Finally,…


Kai Wen
Kai Wen
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Zoe, I also feel the same for the documentary we watched in the beginning of this course it was definitely mind-blowing and transformative. I'm so glad to have you as the host of our podcast. You carried the project all the way and did an excellent job in hosting the podcast. I wish you a happy spring break and good luck on your following quarter!

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