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Blog Responses--Extra Credit

Here is a summary of the 6 blog posts that I have read and responded.

Ruihan Wang (Gloria)

Gloria’s blog talked about her habits related to the course objectives, she thought Killing Us Softly by Kilbourne made her more open to the messages of advertisements. The close reading about toxic masculinity also sparks her interest about this topic.

My comment is related to the similarities of our blog posts, cause I also mentioned openness of accepting different viewpoints of advertisements that contain sexy femael figures.

Wei Huang

Wei wrote a summary about an interesting podcast topic about who should pay the bills on the first date, the conclusion was that either male or female should expect the other to pay.

His blog is interesting because I did not connect daily issues like paying bills with gender perceptions. Wei inspired me to find the gender norms hidden in our lives.

Vivian Vu

Vivian summarized the podcast she listened to, about Hollywood, Disney, and gender roles. She brought up Duber’s daughter’s viewpoint about Belle, that people like her because she is beautiful.

Me and vivian listened to the same podcast. I also quoted the same perspectives from Duber’s daughter and Davis.

Yve Lee

Yve talked about her improvements in this class, specificity in annotating, about articulating her thoughts. She improved her skills through close reading practices.

I feel happy for her improvements, but I haven’t found the right method to organize my thoughts in annotating.

Jiayi Chen

Jiayi also talked about habits of mind in her blog, she thought she was becoming more and more open to accept other classmates' comments. Also, she mentioned that her habit of persistence and responsibility are related to the assignments.

I acknowledge her practicing openesses through reading peer reviews, and I agree with her about the connection between responsibility and our assignments


Jialin Mei

Jialin talked about her extra credit podcast, one of the main points of the podcast is the connection of persistence and the word “princesses”. And the podcast suggested that female should not be defined by single words.

I like the experiment conducted in the podcast, but I mentioned my question about the missing explanation of "toy gun", which is a keyword in the title of the podcast.

That's all, thank you for reading :)

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